Healthpunk emerged out of an introductory public health module for
first-year students in the Bachelor program in physiotherapy at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Since then, it has expanded into a broad imaginary of health futures, pasts, and presents.
Drawing on planetary health, posthuman philosophy and speculative fiction genres, Healthpunk is a new approach and genre in futures research and transformative innovation with a focus on health. Healthpunk invites us to let go of established conventions and question what health care and planetary health are, have been, and might be, in a manner filled with creativity and genuine care for the health of everyone we share this planet with.
To respond to the diverse and complex social, ecological and health challenges we are facing everywhere today, we will need many and radically different visions for the futures of health. These visions will have to be conjured, thought about and communicated collaboratively, in many different
places and many different languages. The healthpunk website provides a collective home and launching platform for these visions such that they may change the future of health, today.

Filip Maric
Filip is Associate Professor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and founder of the Environmental Physiotherapy Association. He is interested in the outer rims of healthcare and sustainability, philosophy, #EnviroPT, environmental post/humanities, planetary health and sea kayaking.

Jane Zimmermann
Jane is the artist extraordinaire who is giving visual life to every aspect of healthpunk. She has a passion for ecological science-and-fiction art, illustration-based design, and all the weird and wonderful ways that art and illustration gives to exploring the worlds of futures, pasts, and presents.

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay
Bodhi is Associate Professor at UiO University of Oslo who has made his passion for all things SciFi into a full-time obsession and research focus. Previous projects include CoFutures: Pathways to Possible Presents (financed by the European Research Council), Science Fictionality (financed by the Norwegian Research Council), and more.

Jena Webb
Jena is Director of Programmes at CoPEH-Canada Community of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Health, and research associate at UQAM Université du Québec à Montréal. She has been championing transformative learning for sustainable and healthy futures for over 15 years and is increasingly giving space to her fiction writing endeavours, to the great pleasure of her current and future readers.
Healthpunk would never have taken flight was it not for the contribution of many other people
All authors featured in healthpunk volumes and specials are continuously shaping and reshaping the center stage of healthpunk with their imagination of otherwise health futures, pasts, and presents.
Previous and current volume and special edition editors include: Liv Johanne Nikolaisen & Åse Bårdsen (UiT The Arctic University of Norway), Nomusa Ntinga (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Sandra Schiller (HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany), Nick Pollard (Sheffield Hallam University, UK), Enrique Henny (Tedes – Terapias para el Desarrollo, Chile), Chantal Christopher (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa), Kerstin McPherson (Australian Catholic University), Katharina Bopp (Katholische Hochschule Mainz, Germany), Claudia Czernik (Alice Salomon Hochschule, Germany), Judith Maas (FH Münster, Germany), Laura Haase (HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany).
Healthpunk commentators: Adriane Vieira (UFRGS, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil), David A. Nicholls (AUT University, New Zealand), Joost van Wijchen & Tobba Sudmann (HvL Western Norway University of Applied Sciences), Louise Søgaard Hansen (Roskilde University, Denmark), Trine Schifter Larsen (Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark), Ben Brisbois (University of Northern British Columbia, Canada), Kristen Abrahams & Rita Macamba (University of Cape Town, South Africa).