As Healthpunk continues to evolve it is spreading around the world and
finding implementation in ever new contexts. Here, you can find a growing number of
these specials as they orbit and expand the Healthpunk galaxy.
Das Berliner Mani(chtso)fest
A Healthpunk Special Edition
Das Berliner Mani(chtso)fest: A Healthpunk Special Edition emerged from a whole year of collaboration among members of the German-speaking section of the Critical Physiotherapy Network. Throughout this year, members first write their own Healthpunk stories, then met for a two-day workshop to analyse and discuss the stories, and so finally write a manifesto for the future of physiotherapy on the back of the analysis and discussion of their healthpunk stories. Read the full special edition by clicking on the cover image to the left.
Punk it up!
A Physiopunk Minizine
In 2023, teachers at Charles Sturt University in Australia adapted Healthpunk for the purpose of an online
module and assessment designed to challenge 3rd-year physiotherapy students to consider questions of
climate change and sustainability in relation to their profession. Read the inspirational case report here and
download the MiniZine by clicking on the cover image to the left.
McPherson, K., Black, J., Byrne, A., Frost, B., Elder, M., Oliver, P. & Maric, F. (2023).
PhysioPunk MiniZine: Punk it up! @Charles Sturt University.

The Norwegian Physiotherapy Journal
Since 2023, the Norwegian physiotherapy journal has opened
for the publication of Healthpunk stories under its essays section.
So far, three student groups have published
Tuomela, E.L. & Finfjord, W.A. (2024). Pensjonisten (The pensioner). Fysioterapeuten.
Liljebakk, T.A. & Nilsen, S.K. (2024). Fremtidens by (The city of the future. Fysioterapeuten.
Maric, F. (2024). Fremtidens pensjonister (The pensioners of the futures). Fysioterapeuten.
Johnsen Saue, A. M. (2023). Lekens kurative kraft: En fremtidshistorie om fysioterapi (The healing power of play:
A fictional story about physiotherapy). Fysioterapeuten.
Maric, F. (2023). Mot løsninger på vår fantasikrise (Toward solutions for our crisis of imagination). Fysioterapeuten.

Ngom, M. (2023). Covid-19 en 2040: Comment le masque a transformé une crisesanitaire en pandémie sociale. CoPEH-Canada.