Healthpunk Volumes

Occupational Punk VOL 3

Currently in editorial review, Occupational Punk will feature visions of the future of health and care authored by occupational therapists from around the world, alongside our usual commentaries, and maybe a surprise or two.
Check out the original Call for Stories here

Health Punk VOL 2

Healthpunk Vol 2 gathered an international students, academics, and members of the public to write their visions of future health and care.
Ten Healthpunk stories are followed by four commentaries and framed by a prologue and two enditorials from the volume editors. With contributions in French, Finnish, Portuguese, German and English.


The first-ever Healthpunk volume, born out of an introductory public health module for 1st-year physiotherapy students at UiT The Arctic University
of Norway, is packed with eight Healthpunk stories written by these students and four commentaries from physiotherapy educators and researchers.
With contributions in Norwegian, Portuguese, Dutch and English.